Page 41 - 2018村田型錄1-46
P. 41

 TTRAD-E 尺寸圖


 TTRAD-7E-□-C---N  ͎̺̺͑́͂͒͟͡͡´̺̺̺̺͐͛

 ¹  84
                                                            ¹ 146
 ¹  32  28  21  3
 22.5°                                                ¹ 57  22  24  36  7
 11.25°  11.25°
 2-Ø5.8                                         ¹ 15                0.5                      PIN 2-Ø8
 2-M5 Ø6*6L                                           ¹ 60
 2-Ø5  ¹  35  P.C.D.116 8-Ø6貫穿 Through-hole  ¹ 8H6
 16.3  Ø85  Ø50 +0.03  +0.05  Ø94  -0.035  Ø125  P.C.D.65 6-M6*10L  2-Ø5  ¹ 25.5   Ø190  -0.04  ¹ Ø110 +0.05  +0.03  Ø135 -0.01  -0.03  -0.04  35°  11.25°
 ¹  11.25°  ¹  Ø106  0         ¹              ¹ Ø160  0                     Ø160  0                35°    2-M8
 ¹                            22H7
 ¹  14H7  11.25°

 ¹  4
 ¹  P.C.D.70 4-M5*10L                           ¹ 7
                     ¹ P.C.D.145 4-M8*15L                                             P.C.D.85 6-M8*18L
                                                                                      P.C.D.175 16-Ø9

 1. ☆ 會隨伺服馬達不同有所變更  1. “☆”The dimensions modify with motor specification.  1. ☆ 會隨伺服馬達不同有所變更  1. “☆”The dimensions modify with motor specification.

 2.本機軸心可從Φ11~Φ19  2. Output shaft diameter: Φ11~Φ19 mm.  2.本機軸心可從Φ14~Φ28  2. Output shaft diameter: Φ14~Φ28 mm.
 3. This drawing is model of shaft rotation, for case
 3.此圖為軸心轉動,殼轉動圖請洽詢本公司  3.此圖為軸心轉動,殼轉動圖請洽詢本公司                   3. This drawing is model of shaft rotation, for case
     run drawing, please contact us.                              run drawing, please contact us.


 ¹ 122     ͎̺̺͑̽͒͟͡͡ͅ´̺̺͙̺͐͛
 ¹ 92.5  25  4.5
 ¹ 38.5  32  22

 ¹ 42

 6H6  +0.03  35°  11.25°

 ¹ 21.8  19H7  Ø155  ¹ Ø100  ¹ Ø70 +0.05  Ø105  0  -0.035  Ø130  35°  2-M6

 ¹ 5

 ¹ P.C.D.90 4-M6*12L  P.C.D.65
 P.C.D.145 16-Ø6.8

 1. ☆ 會隨伺服馬達不同有所變更  1. “☆”The dimensions modify with motor specification.  1. ☆ 會隨伺服馬達不同有所變更  1. “☆”The dimensions modify with motor specification.

 2.本機軸心可從Φ11~Φ24  2. Output shaft diameter: Φ11~Φ24 mm.  2.本機軸心可從Φ19~Φ35  2. Output shaft diameter: Φ19~Φ35 mm.
 3. This drawing is model of shaft rotation, for case
 3.此圖為軸心轉動,殼轉動圖請洽詢本公司  3.此圖為軸心轉動,殼轉動圖請洽詢本公司                   3. This drawing is model of shaft rotation, for case
     run drawing, please contact us.                              run drawing, please contact us.

 37  ● 此樣本中的所有產品型號及參數如有變更恕不另行通告,訂貨前請與本公司聯絡確認  ● 此樣本中的所有產品型號及參數如有變更恕不另行通告,訂貨前請與本公司聯絡確認                              38
                              ● the content of this document is subject to change without notice. please contact us before ordering.
 ● the content of this document is subject to change without notice. please contact us before ordering.
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